Monday, May 31, 2010

First up for the Second Half

Description unavailableImage by Lottery Monkey via Flickr
It's time to start playing shuffleboard again!

This Wednesday the Crowe BarFlies face the VFW Flyers and we are out for blood! Just kidding (or am I?). They beat us on their board so I want to give them a taste of their own medicine. Also, they're right on our heels at only one game back from us. We need this win to stay ahead of them.

Hopefully, I can pull our team together and pull out a win. Right now we are in a 3 way tie for second. All of us 2nd place teams are two games back from the league leaders, our sister team, the Crowe Wildpuckers. They are playing out in Stafford against the Stafford Ye "Olde" Puckers, one of the teams we are tied with. The other team, Cozy Corner I, has a bye, so a win for us would definitely be nice!


Next Opponent - VFW Flyers

Go BarFlies
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Saturday, May 29, 2010


So all Baseball is, in shuffleboard, is a slight variation on Horse Collar. Instead of playing to 51, you play 9 "innings." 

I'm guessing that if after 9 rounds the score is tied and you keep playing until one team/person is the winner. But everyone should get another shot if the first person scored. Kind of like being the home team, you always get a final chance.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Horse Collar

Okie dokie folks! Time for another shuffleboard variations! This one is called Horse Collar. I've never actually played this one but unlike Crazy Eights I have heard of it.

game overview provided by Bowers' Corner
Horse Collar Overview
Games can be played one-on-one (2 players) or with two or more teams of two players per team, playing on same end of the board.  Each player/team uses one set of weights [red or blue].  Depending upon the number of players,  teams may need to alternate ends as the frames change. Games are played in frames until one team scores 51-points.  However,  scoring 51-points first does not necessarily make that team the winner. Every team gets to finish each frame and the highest score is the winner. If the team that scores 51-points or more has the hammer (the last team to play), then they are declared the winners. Before a team can score any points at all, at least one weight must be 3-points or more. Weights are considered in play if they are on the board and past the designated foul line [which typically is the "short" foul line nearest to the player's end of the board].  It is important to know before the game starts which foul line has been designated, but typically it will be the "short" foul line nearest to the player that is shooting. 

If playing singles, one player will throw all eight weights.  If playing teams (4 or 8 players), one player will throw 4 weights of the same color, then the other player will throw the remaining 4 weights. The objective is to get at least one weight into the 3-point or more zone to get the scoring started. You may bump or tap weights to accomplish this or simply lag one in. All weights must be past the designated (short or short) foul line or off the board.  If a weight remains on the board that is not past the designated foul line, no points can be awarded - but if it is not your last weight, it may be knocked off.  Again, the objective is to get at least one weight into the 3-point or greater zone [without any weights short of the designated foul line - again, typically the "short" foul line], in order for any points to count.  See below for specifics of How to Play with 2 players or in teams of 4 or 8 players. 

How To Play With 2 Players
Players stand at opposite ends of the board, facing each other.  The first player shoots all 8 weights (4 blue; 4 red) consecutively towards the opposite end of the board.  After all weights have been shot, the score is counted as shown in below illustration under "Method of Scoring".  Then the board is cleared and the opponent shoots in the same manner from the end of the shuffleboard at which he is standing.  Players alternate shooting until one player has scored 51 points (See "Technical Points" - Rule 1 below).

How To Play With 4 or 8 Players
With more than two persons, Horse Collar is a team game.  If there are 4 players, they divide into teams of 2 each; if 8 players, they divide into teams of 4.  To start a game the opposing teams station themselves at opposite ends of the shuffleboard -  all players of one team at one end, all their opponents at the other end.  The first team shoots all 8 weights toward the opposite end at the other end of the board.  The first team shoots all its 8 weights toward the opposite end, with each member of the team shooting his quota consecutively, in the following manner:
bulletOn a 2-player team, the first player shoots 4 weights, in a row and then his partner shoots the remaining 4 weights of opposite color.
bulletOn a 4-player team, the first player shoots 2 weights in a row, and each of his partners in turn shots 2 weights in a row until all 8 weights have been shot.
When all 8 weights have been thrown, score is counted as shown below in "Method of Scoring".  Then the opposing team clears the board and shoots its 8 weights in the same manner as described above.  Teams continue to alternate shooting until one team has scored 51 points (See "Technical Points" - Rule 1 below). 

Horse Collar Scoring Sample
How To Count Players/Teams Scores - "METHOD OF SCORING RULES"

After all 8 weights in a round have been played, it must first be determined whether at least one weight is completely in the trey (3)-zone or overhanging the End or the left or right hand Corner of the shuffleboard playing field.  If there is NO weight in this zone, NO SCORE OF ANY KIND CAN BE COUNTED, regardless of how many weights remain on the board.
If there is at least one weight in the trey (3-point zone) or overhanging the End (13-point zone)  or the left or right hand Corner of the board (26-point zone), then the score is counted, as follows:
All weights touching or in front of the deuce line count 1 point.  This applies to the entire area up to the designated foul line (typically "short" foul line is designated), but weight must be completely clear of the designated foul line to count.
All weights between the deuce line and the trey line (including any touching the trey line), count  2- points.
All weights between the trey line and the far end of the board count 3-points.
All weights overhanging the board at the far end count 13-points (13 point hanger) .
All weights overhanging the left and/or right hand corner of the board count 26-points (26-point hanger).  Note:  Some establishments or tournament directors may not include or count the hanging corner any more than a hanger from the end of board, but most tournaments will include the 26-point count possibility.  Hanging corner is another item you should be informed about before you start to play.
All weights which fall into the alleys, or do not clear the designated foul line are dead and do not count.

In order to score, a team must have at least one weight being worth 3-points or more [It does not have to be the first weights thrown in order to score].  For example, if a team throws 1 weight worth 3-points and 2 weights worth 2-points and 3 weights worth 1- point and all remaining weights on the board are past the designated foul line (again, typically "short" foul line), the team would score 10-points.

Hangers are worth 13-points [hanger being a weight that is hanging partially off the end of the board].

Hanger on Corners are worth 26-points [weight is hanging partially off the end and partially off the side of the board in either corner].  Note:  a weight just hanging only off the side of the board does not have any special meaning or point value unless it is a 26-point hanger on one of the two Corners.

Games are played in frames until one team scores 51-points.  However,  scoring 51-points first does not necessarily make that team the winner.

Every team gets to finish each frame and the highest score is the winner (51-points or greater).

If the team that scores 51-points or more has the hammer (the last team to play), then they are declared the winners.

OPTIONAL:   Sometimes players will play Horse Collar also having what is called a "Hickey" count which means every time a player does not score, it constitutes a "Hickey", and each player that does not score in a round puts an agreed upon amount of money into a "Hickey Jar"  (e.g., $.25, $1, $5, etc.) and the final winner of the game gets the contents of the Hickey Jar.  This is just something that can be done to make the game more interesting, but may or may not be part of your agreed upon Horse Collar tournament rules.

Technical Points
  1. A game is NOT complete until player or team which has been shooting last has taken its LAST TURN AT THE BOARD, even though the player or team shooting first has already scored 51-points or more.  If both teams go over 51 points, the one with the FINAL HIGHEST SCORE IS THE WINNER.
  2. During play, no contestant may leave his position to check the location of weights he or his partners have played.
  3. All weights which do not completely CLEAR the designated foul line (typically the "short" foul line nearest to the player shooting are dead weights, but must not be removed from the board.
  4. On the 9-ft. and 12-ft. cushion boards (a.k.a. bank boards), Horse Collar is played and scored exactly the same as described above, except that each weight played must first carom off either side cushion on its way to the scoring areas.  On cushion shuffleboards, the center foul line applies on all foul line rules (Note:  On the 9-ft. BANK-SHOT the "5" zone is disregarded and anything in that zone is considered in the trey zone.)

    I have played a shortened version of this game that is called Horse Race. In Horse Race, you only get one shot to try and get the highest score possible with all 8 pucks. We usually play for $1 since most of the time you get one shot at it. Also, in Horse Race we have a rule called "One Tie All Tie." This means that even if you got 0 points and there were two people who tied for the highest score, everyone (including you) pay another dollar and everyone shoots again. This continues until one person has the highest score and they take the pot.

    Good Luck!

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010

    Crazy Eights

    Since we don't have shuffleboard this week, I figured I'd find some variations on the normal shuffleboard game that we play in league. First up we have Crazy Eights.

    Crazy Eight - Overview     below text viaShuffleboard Corner
    Crazy Eight is a singles game played with 2 or more players and is played in frames allowing all players to have an equal chance. Players alternate ends of the board between frames, each player using all eight weights/pucks [red and blue]. The Game is played until one player scores  some agreed upon number of points (e.g., 1-point, 15-points, 21-points, etc.).  You continue frames until a winner is determined.  

    Scoring the agreed upon points first does not necessarily make that player the winner. Every player gets to finish that frame and the highest score that is equal to or greater than the agreed upon game point (e.g., 1-points, 15-points, 21-points, etc.) is declared the winner. If the player that scores equal to or greater than the agreed minimum required points has the hammer (the last player to play), then he/she is declared the winner. If the last player ties with a prior player, then another round must be played to determine the winner.  

    Before a player can score, the first 4 weights (same color) must be thrown simultaneously with one hand and all 4 weights must stay on the board and be past the long foul line (the foul line furthest from the shooter).  If all 4 weights do not stay on the board, then that player gets no points for that round and the next player is up to play.  If all 4 weights do stay on the board past the long foul line,  then the player must shoot all 4 weights/pucks (in four shots) of the opposite color and must knock off those first four weights thrown past the foul line before any points can be scored for that frame.  After all 4 original weights are knocked off, the remaining weights left on the table are scored.  For instance, if a player does not get all four of their first 4 weights past the long foul line, no points are scored; if a player does get all 4 weights past the foul on first throw, but does not knock them off and keep at least one of the final 4 weights on the board, no points are scored; if a player gets all 4 first weights past the foul line, knocks them all off and has at least one of the final 4 weights left on the board, points are added and count.  

    OPTIONAL:   Sometimes players will also have a "Hickey" count which means every time a player does not score, it constitutes a "Hickey", and each player that does not score in a round puts an agreed upon amount of money into a "Hickey Jar"  (e.g., $.25, $1, $5, etc.) and the final winner of the game gets the contents of the Hickey Jar.  This is just something that can be done to make the game more interesting, but may or may not be part of your agreed upon Crazy Eight tournament rules.

    How To Play
    Take 4 weights [of same color], group them together, and throw them with one hand.
    If  all 4 weights do not pass the long foul line and stay on the board, no points are scored for that round [and player gets a "Hickey" if your tournament includes a "Hickey Jar"], and next player is up on the opposite end of the board for their turn.

    If all 4 weights of the same color group did pass the long foul line and stay on the board, then player shoots the remaining 4 weights [of opposite color] one at a time and attempts to knock off the 1st 4 weights and keep at least one of the last four weights of the opposite color on the board to score points (this is great practice for knock off, making combination shots to remove more than one of the 4 weights with one shot, and to be able to either stick a final shot or lag with the weights you have left after you've knocked off all 4 weights of the original color group).  

    If all of the first color group weights are knocked off and you still have at least one of the second color on the board and past the long foul line, this is your score; otherwise,  no point is scored [and player gets a "Hickey" if your tournament includes a "Hickey Jar"].  In either case, the next player is up on the opposite end of the board for their turn.

    How To Count Player's Scores

    Scoring (e.g., 1-point, 2-points, 3-points, or 4-points) is similar to 
    "knock off" with the exceptions noted above where first 4 weights of the same color must remain on the board and past the long foul line, and then they must all be knocked off with the remaining 4 weights of the opposite color while keeping one or more of these weights on the board.
    Board Foul Lines and Scoring Sample
    A weight scores 1-point if it is located between the long foul line and the "2" line.

    Weights completely across the "2"  line count 2-points; weights across the "3" line count  3-points, a weight hanging over the end of the board (a.k.a. hanger) counts 4-points, etc.  

    If any portion of the weight is hanging over the end of the board (not the side) it is called a "hanger" and counts 4-points. Close calls can be checked by holding a weight so the top of a weight is along the back end of the board. The weight is then slid along the back end of the board.  If it hits the "disputed" hanger the weight is indeed hanging and is worth 4-points.

    Good Luck!

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Sunday is here again

    It's Sunday once again, and once again there was a blind draw at the Crowe Bar.

    I can't really tell you a lot about it this time because well, I didn't go. I went out for karaoke on Friday AND Saturday so I wasn't really up for more beer and shuffleboard.

    I did get a text from my husband Kevin and he and his partner won.

    We're off this Wednesday from league shuffleboard, it's mid season. We've already gotten the new schedule and our first game of the second half is against the VFW Flyers at the Crowe Bar. They beat us on their board so we really want to get them back on ours!

    Go BarFlies!

    Friday, May 21, 2010


    8 PointsImage by DaveFayram via Flickr

    The first 9 games of the season are over and the Crowe BarFlies finish with a record of 5-3. If you've been paying attention you that that means we won our game against the Stafford Sandblasters. It took us 6 games but we hung in there and came out on top.

    Game 1 - Match Record 0-0
    Lexie didn't play last week so I definitely wanted to get her up early. So Lexie and John were partnered up for the first game. They had to give up 4 handicap points (side note: we had to give up handicap points every game) but quickly got it back in the first two frames. Then the scoring frenzy began. John and Lexie only allowed their opponents to score one more point. They dominated this one and won 16-5. Woohoo!

    Game 2 - Match Record 1-0
    Margaret and Elaine were given the call for game 2 and they had to give up 3 points for handicap. Elaine struggled early but got into the groove around the 5th frame. Margaret scored 4 points in her first frame but unfortunately couldn't score any more after that. Elaine tried to stage a comeback in the 7th frame by scoring 5 points making it 12-13 but without the hammer they couldn't hold on and lost this game 12-17. Good try ladies!

    Game 3 - Match Record 1-1
    Dave and Roger were up for game 3 and of course, had to give up handicap points, 2 to be exact. Roger scored 3 in the first frame to take an early lead and Dave ran with it, scoring 5 total points in his next 2 frames. Not wanting Dave to have all the fun, Roger scored 2 in the next frame and then the final 5 points in the 7th frame to win it 15-5. Way to go boys!

    Game 4 - Match Record 2-1
    For game 4, Bert and I were up and had to give up 4 handicap points. I scored 4 in my first frame to tie it up. But our opponents came roaring back with another 4 points. I scored another 2, then Bert scored 1. My opponent made a great shot and hid one of her pucks behind one of mine for 3 points and I just couldn't get it. So it's 7-11 and Bert scores another 4 points to tie it up again. We need 4 and they need 4. It's my frame and I manage to score 4 to take this one 15-11. Phew!

    Game 5 - Match Record 3-1
    We only need one more game and we win the last game of the half. I decide to but John and Roger up, still trying to break Roger's 2 game curse. He almost always wins his first game but loses the 2nd one. Well the curse was too much for him tonight. After giving up 3 handicap points, John would score the only point for our team. This one ended in 3 frames and we lost 15-1.

    Game 6 - Match Record 3-2
    C'mon BarFlies! Let's win this one! We put Lexie and myself up again for what we hoped was the final game. After giving up 4 handicap points, Lex and I never let up. Lexie ended up scoring a total of 7 points and I 9 points. We took this one 16-4 to end the half with a win!!

    WOOHOO! Way to go BarFlies! I'm extremely happy with our season so far. Sure, there were a few games that we probably should have won but if you think about that too much, you'll (what I actually mean is I'll) go insane! The BarFlies try their best and have a great time doing it! The bottom line is that shuffleboard is fun and we'd like to keep it that way!

    So what happens next? Well, we have next week off so all of the handicaps can be re-evaluated and the schedule can be printed and distributed. For the second half of the season, our schedule is flip flopped. If we played a team at their bar the first half, they get to come and play us at the Crowe Bar and vice versa.

    The second half of our season is the tougher of the two in my opinion. We have to go to Stafford Ice House twice and to Cozy Corner twice and both of these boards are tricky. I hope you'll keep reading to find out how we do!

    **SHUFFLEBOARDERS!!** I would still love to have a guest blogger or even a few guests who would like to write a post about your experience. If you are interested, send me an email and we'll figure it out from there (I'm still pretty new to this blogging stuff too!).

    Go BarFlies!
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    Thursday, May 20, 2010


    Okay. So this is not related to shuffleboard but deal with it! A friend of mine has two adorable puppies who need a good home!

    All the puppies are males. They have been wormed,started on heartgaurd prevention, had flea medicine, but have NOT had their shots. They are eating dry puppy food. They play inside and outside. They have been on puppy training pads for about 4 weeks now. They are 8 weeks old. They are super sweet and playful. They are AWESOME kids dogs, they have been around my son (2 yrs old) since they were born.They don't chew on any of our furniture, only their toys. They are ready to go to a new home! $200..if you have any other questions or would like to set up a time to come and look at them just give me a call/text/e-mail. Rooster is above and Black Eye is below. The puppies are a catahoula/cur mix.

    Send me an email here and I'll get you the info to take these snuggle bunnies home! Look at those faces!! You know you want to!!

    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Oh Yeah!

    table shuffleboard weightImage by Leo Reynolds via Flickr
    Woohoo!! My partner Kevin (yup my hubby!) and I won the blind draw on Sunday! Shibby! We only had 8 players. Well, technically we had 7 players but we talked Buddy into playing to make 8.

    We probably had no less than 6 ties in the final game. Kevin would score one so I wouldn't have the hammer and Mark who I was playing against would tie it up with one. It went back and forth forever it seemed. But finally Kevin and I pulled it out.

    To make the day even better (well, for me at least) I won 3 Strikes!

    It's been several weeks where we have been struggling to get blind draw players so I don't know how long our Sunday blind draws are going to last. But it was fun while it lasted.

    This Wednesday is our final game of the first half of the season and for the 3rd week in a row we play at home. We play the Stafford Sandblasters and I probably don't need to say it but, I want to win!!

    Go BarFlies!
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    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    Sundays at the Bar

    Description unavailableImage by Lottery Monkey via Flickr
    It's Sunday yet again and time for a blind draw. Last Sunday was Mother's Day so we decided not to head up to the bar.

    But it's a new day, so we'll head up to the Crowe Bar, throw some pucks, and hope to beat out all of the other players. I definitely could use the cash (who couldn't, right?).

    And after losing on Wednesday, I could use the practice too!

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    Friday, May 14, 2010

    Crowe vs. Crowe

    Two Crowe Bar shuffleboard teams competing to keep their winning streak alive. But the wrong team won.

    Don't get me wrong. Way to go Wildpuckers on beating us, but damn it, I wanted to win!

    Game 1 - Match Record 0-0
    First up for the good guys (duh, the BarFlies!) was John and Elaine. They got one handicap point and after that the going was a little rocky. Quickly we were down 4-1 but John got in the groove and scored a handful of points. Unfortunately, John and Elaine were no match for the Wildpuckers in game 1. We lost this one 5-16.

    Game 2 - Match Record 0-1
    Dave and I were up for game 2. Again we started with one handicap point and in the first frame Dave added a point to our total. I scored 5 points in the next 3 frames, then Dave scored one in each of the next 2. By the 10th frame we were up 10-8 and thought we might just take this one. But we were wrong. In the next 3 frames our opponents scored 7 to take it from us 11-15.

    It is not looking good for the BarFlies.

    Game 3 - Match Record 0-2
    The BarFlies put up Margaret and Roger (who we called Trey, you'll find out why in a sec). For something different, we had to give up one handicap point but Margaret made it back in the first frame. For his next 4 frames, Roger scored 3 points... in each frame! By the time we got to the 10th frame, we were up 13-10. Margaret and Roger were able to hold on and win this one 15-10.

    Game 4 - Match Record 1-2
    Bert and Steve get the call for game 4 and start the game with one handicap point. Bert's out of the gates scoring 3 points total on her first 2 frames. Steve is right behind her, scoring a handful of points. But their opponents are scoring too and are too much for Steve and Bert. Mark another notch on the losing tally, 8-16.

    Game 5 - Match Record 1-3
    I absolutely hate this position we are in. I played pretty well in my game, so I think I'll put myself up. But Lexie hasn't played a game yet. I want to win and I want to be fair and it's not like I think Lexie can't win. I know she can. I should have played Lexie. Instead I put myself and John up. This game the handicaps were even so no one had the advantage. John and I got beat up. We went down in flames and lost 4-17.

    It really, really, really sucks losing. Double that and that's how it feels to me losing to the Wildpuckers. This is the team I want to beat out of any other team in the league. But it wasn't in the cards for us Wednesday night and we'll have another chance at them in the second half of the season. Watch out Wildpuckers.

    Next Wednesday is our last game of the first half and we are going up against the Stafford Sandblasters. It should be a good night, they can be a real tough team to beat. We'll just have to do our best!


    Next Opponent - Stafford Sandblasters

    Go BarFlies!

    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    I'll show you how it's done!

    Well, as usual I don't really feel like rehashing our game last night (partly because I'm tired and partly because we lost) so instead I thought I'd share a video Mom and I made.


    I'll post the game details soon!

    Go BarFlies!

    Monday, May 10, 2010

    Crowe Bar Showdown

    It's the 8th week of our 2010 Spring-Summer shuffleboard season and on Wednesday my team, the Crowe BarFlies take on the Crowe Wildpuckers. Two teams enter, one team leaves victorious!

    This one is going to be tough. As the reigning champions, the Wildpuckers are one of the best teams in the league and if I'm looking at it correctly we are both trying to keep a 4 game winning streak alive. It will definitely be a crazy game.

    swearing in cartoonImage via Wikipedia

    There will be tons of smack talking, voodoo spells cast, cuss words thrown around and plenty of yummy "pain-go-bye-bye juice" consumed. What there won't be is a lot of handicap points given up as we are pretty well matched, their team only having a few more zeros than us. It's going to be a fun night.

    Win (yes!) or lose (boo!) this is my favorite week and favorite team to play, for more than just the obvious reason (my husband is a Wildpucker). The Wildpuckers are great people, the Crowe Bar is close to my house and winning this game gives you tons of bragging rights.

    So anyone who is reading this, send the BarFlies some good luck on Wednesday!

    Go BarFlies!
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    Friday, May 7, 2010

    Stayin' Alive!

    Ah-ah-ah-ah stayin' alive! We've kept our winning streak going! Way to go Crowe BarFlies!!

    Wednesday night was week 7 and our 6th match. We played against the Cozy Corner ClusterPucks who gave us a good run for our money and it's always a good time when the ClusterPucks come to your bar!

    Game 1 - Match Record 0-0
    The home team has to put up their two players first and then the visiting team gets to decide who to play against them. This switches every game. So as the home team we put up Steve and John first. They had to give up 3 handicap points but Steve got it back in his first frame. This was a pretty close game but John sealed the deal in the 12th frame when he scored 4 to win the game 15-10.

    Game 2 - Match Record 1-0
    Next up for the BarFlies was Roger and Dave. This was the only heads up game of the night, meaning that neither team got handicap points right off the bat. Roger shot like a mad man scoring 12 of the 16 points with Dave scoring 4 and holding his opponent to only 3 points. We took this win decisively 16-3.

    Game 3 - Match Record 2-0
    We called on the pink shirted ladies for this one, Bert and Lexie. After giving up 3 handicap points, the score on this game flip flopped until the very end. Bert kept scoring threes and Lexie was able to hold her partner to only a couple of points a frame. This one came down to the 13th frame where it was 14-14. We just couldn't hang on to take this one and lost 14-16.

    Game 4 - Match Record 2-1
    Margaret and I played the 4th game which was a little scary at first. Mom and I don't have the best track record when we play together. Top that off with having to give up 5 points for handicap and it's a steep hill to climb back up. Thank goodness Mom was hitting her shots! She scored 11 of our points to give us the win at 16-12.

    Game 5 - Match Record 3-1

    A 17th-century pirate flag.Image via Wikipedia

    John (who I wanted to call Jolly for this game) and Roger (get it? Jolly Roger?) were up in the 5th game. We really wanted to win this one and for me there were 2 reasons why. The first being pretty obvious. We win and it's over. The second goes back a few seasons. Roger is a great player, but for some reason he almost always wins his first game and then loses the second. We have been trying to break this curse for a while now and this game was going to do it. I was sure of it. But the curse held and Roger was robbed of a great shot by a "sticky spot" on the board allowing the ClusterPucks to take the victory over us 14-17.

    Game 6 - Match Record 3-2
    This is about when the butterflies start flapping their annoying wings in my stomach. Just one more win. Just one more win. We decide on Margaret and Bert for this, hopefully, our last game of the night. After giving up yet another 4 points for handicap, Bert and Margaret settled in a played a close, nail biting, back and forth game. The ladies held on and won it for the BarFlies 16-12, keeping our winning streak alive.

    Our next game is against probably our biggest rivals - our sister team the Crowe Wildpuckers, and I know they will be out for blood. It would be fantastical if we could keep our streak alive against the Wildpuckers. They are going to be tough, tough, tough! But we can do it! I know we can!!


    Next Opponent - Crowe Wildpuckers

    Go BarFlies!
    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    Rah! Rah! Sis boom bah!

    Yeah, I don't know so don't ask.

    Anyways, it's our 7th week of the season and we are about to start a 3 week stretch of "home" games. I put home in quotations because technically, next week we are the visiting team. We play against our sister team, the Crowe Wildpuckers.

    Tomorrow night we will test our skills against the Cozy Corner ClusterPucks. Right now, we are tied with them and Cozy Corner I for third place with a record of 3-2 with a bye. We will be going for our 4th straight win and that would be fantastic!

    UPDATE! Well, the standings have been revised and we are in 4th place. Cozy Corner I has jumped up to be tied for 1st.

    Let's go BarFlies! Let's keep our winning streak alive!! Clank! Clank! Clank!!

    Go BarFlies!

    **Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm looking for guest bloggers! To my fellow shuffleboarders (you know who you are!) if you'd like to write a post about shuffleboard (anything you want... being the captain, what you like about shuffleboard, what you don't like about it, whatever) send me a message on Facebook, send me a tweet or email me and we'll get to work on it! Thanks!**

    And again....

    Go BarFlies!!

    Sunday, May 2, 2010


    It's Sunday once again and time to go to the bar to practice shuffleboard in a blind draw tournament. Our team spends the next 3 weeks playing at home so I definitely want to get some practice in. The Crowe bar had a chili cook-off yesterday so I'm not sure if we'll get enough people to play today. I hope so.

    Because this is such a short post I wanted to give you something cute to look at. I give you "Jeff Goldbloom Kitty" from Snuzzy

    Way to go Mom! She was the big winner today! She won the blind draw with her partner Dot and won 3 strikes.
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