We need a frickin' win tonight!
Let's go BarFlies!!
If you are actually reading this, send some good luck the BarFlies way, will ya?
I play shuffleboard every Wednesday and blog what I can remember. Here is my story.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hunter's Rocked Us
Yup. That's right. We lost once again at the hands of the Hunter's Rocks team. I'm not going to go into all of the gory details because honestly, I just don't want to. We lost. Time to move on.
Our next challenge is a big one, Stafford Ye "Olde" Puckers at their board. They are a tough, tough team so we really need to get it together to pull out a win.
I think we are tied for 4th with Hunter's Rocks now. We really need a notch in the win column.
Next Opponent - Stafford Ye "Olde" Puckers
Friday, June 25, 2010
Please wait...
I don't feel like writing, so you don't feel like reading. See how that works? Don't worry though, I will get to our match against Hunter's Rocks soon enough.
Instead, enjoy this sign from Urban Prankster
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
We REALLY need a win!
Wow! We really freaking need a win tomorrow night. After the standings were posted today, we are tied for 3rd with the team that we lost to two weeks ago - Cozy Corner I.
We're 4 games back from the mighty Crowe Wildpuckers and one game back from the strong Stafford Ye "Olde" Puckers.
But nipping on our heels is our tomorrow night opponent, Hunter's Rocks.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Can we hunt the Hunter's?
Calm down. I don't mean literally. So, our next game is against Hunter's Rocks, but on our board. After having a week off, I hope it has given us some rest so we can possibly start a new winning streak.
I guess I should focus more on winning a game rather than thinking about a streak of games, right? Whatever, I do what I want.
I haven't been writing anything about our Sunday shuffleboard lately because, well, we haven't gone. We were struggling to get 8 players and that just isn't enough to keep running the tournament. We might try and get it going again in the future, but right now, I'm digging my pajama couch potato Sundays.
Next Opponent - Hunter's Rocks
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
BarFlies without a Board
Well, it’s our bye week, so the BarFlies will be doing what normal people do on a school night. Or will they? We won’t be playing shuffleboard, that’s for sure.
Next week we play at home against Hunter’s Rocks. Hopefully we can get back to our winning ways.
Tonight, our sister team, the Crowe Wildpuckers, take on the Cozy Corner ClusterPucks at Cozy Corner. Go Wildpuckers!
See you next week!
Go BarFlies!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Were we cozy at the Cozy Corner?
No! It was freezing in there (and usually is)!!
Anyhoo, it was week 2 of the 2nd half of our 2010 Spring - Summer shuffleboard season. My team, the Crowe BarFlies were on a 2 game winning streak, when we had to take on Cozy Corner I this past Wednesday. Did we take the victory and keep our small streak alive? Let's find out, shall we?
Game 1 - Match Record 0-0
First up for the good guys (yes, that's us!) we have John and Nigel (who's nickname is Taco, so from here on out he will be known as such). Both being 0s they had to give up one handicap point to Curtis and Tom. In John's first frame, he scored 2 points against Curtis, closing the gap making the score 2-3. But Curtis and Tom weren't having it and they countered with 7 total points in the next 2 frames. Taco came back and scored a couple in the 5th frame, but it just wasn't enough. We lost this one 4-17.
Game 2 - Match Record 0-1
Lexie and Steve get the call for the second game and have to give up one point to Kenny and Steve Z. Wow, this is going to get confusing with 2 Steve's playing on one end! Our Steve scores 2 in his first frame to make it 2-4 after Kenny scored 3 points. Lex was trying to get the feel of the board, but due to our not being able to practice (we get out of work too late) and the left rail giving her a little trouble along with a couple of ghost spots, Kenny was able to score a handful of points. Our Steve scored another 2 points on their Steve in the 4th frame but that would be the end of the scoring for the BarFlies. Down another game after losing this one 4-15.
Game 3 - Match Record 0-2
I'm starting to notice an unsettling trend we've got going on here. 4 points in the first game. 4 points in the second game. Well that's not good. So we send in Margaret and Dave (otherwise known as Hussy and Geezer... that sounds like a comic strip) who are up against George and Tony. Stop the presses! We actually get one handicap point in this game. Could this be the extra little nudge we need to get our asses in gear? Dave and Margaret quickly score a few times and take us into the lead 7-1. But then George fires back and scores 7 total points in his next 4 frames. Luckily, Margaret is keeping the score close by scoring a handful of points as well. Dave and Margaret hold on to take this one 15-10. Phew! No shutout for us tonight!!
Game 4 - Match Record 1-2
We have to put up first and so Bert and myself play. We're up against David and Tom and have to flip to see who goes first. I don't remember who shot first but Bert got on the board first with 3 points. Tom came back and scored a point on me. Then it was Bert's turn to push us farther ahead with one point. I didn't score until the 8th frame to make it 10-8. Then the 13th frame came and David scored a big 5 points to tie the score at 14. Whoever scores the last point wins and I had the hammer. My pucks held on and my hero Bert and I take this one for a win 16-14.
Game 5 - Match Record 2-2
Okay! Now we're talking! We get 2 more wins before they do and our winning streak goes to 3! So, for the 5th game Steve and Dave go up against Curtis and Arlene. No handicap points again but Curtis gets on the board first with 5 points. Ouch! It was pretty much downhill from there. Arlene steadily put points on the board against Dave and the same was happening down on the other end. Steve put up a point in each of the 5th and 7th frames. Those 2 lonely points were all the BarFlies could manage this game and we lost a tough one to swallow 2-16.
Game 6 - Match Record 2-3
It's do or die for the Crowe BarFlies now so Nigel and Margaret get the call. Cozy Corner puts up Kenny and David and wouldn't you know it, no handicap points. David is on the board first with 2 points but Nigel quickly gives the BarFlies 2 points to counter. Unfortunately, those were the only 2 points scored for the good guys (yup, still us!) in this final game. Another devastating defeat 2-17.
Well crap! We lost the game and our winning streak. Were there a lot of things that I'd do differently? At the moment, I can't think of any. Historically, I've never played very well at this bar and our team has struggled here in the past as well. But we're over it. That's the beauty of beer.
So onto next week. Well, maybe not. We have our bye week next so there won't be any shuffleboard for the BarFlies.
Next Opponent - Bye week
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Gotta Keep It Going
That's right! We've got a nice little winning streak going and we'd like to keep it that way! So what that it's only 2 games? It's still a streak.... right?!
Anyways, this Wednesday the Crowe BarFlies are up against a tough Cozy Corner I team. They were on a bye last week, so technically speaking this will be their first game of the second half.
I really, really (one more?) really want to win this week and keep close on the heels of our sister (rival) team the Wildpuckers. Man it would be fantastic to keep our streak alive!
Next Opponent - Cozy Corner I
Go BarFlies!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
2nd Half starts with 7
That's right folks! We went all seven games. It was a tough fight, all the way to the last puck. But who won? You'll just have to keep reading to find out.
Our first game of the second half was against the VFW Flyers, who looked very spiffy in their new team shirts. Very cool logo Flyers!
So first up, we had some handicap changes on our team. Margaret went from a 0 to a 1, Dave from a 2 to a 1, Steve from a 1 to a 0 and Elaine went from a 1 to a 2. We also added a few shooters - Nigel "Taco", Lynn and Mark! Welcome to the BarFlies guys! See you next week! Anyways, let's get to the games!
Game 1 - Match Record 0-0
First up for the BarFlies, Sandy and Bert, who went up against Carl and Teresa. Yes, you read that right, Sandy! I believe this is the first time she has played this season. We started with 3 handicap points and Sandy added 2 to that right off the bat. Except for two frames, Sandy scored every time she shot! The board was a little bumpy for Bert, stealing two great shots from her and helping Teresa's pucks inch further down the board. Our ladies couldn't hold on and lost a tough one 13-19.
Game 2 - Match Record 0-1
Dave and Lexie played the second game against Bob and Adolph Jr. and had to give up one handicap point. This game was a nail biter! After scoring her first point, Lexie made it 4 to 1 and then Dave and Lex went on a tear. Together in the next 3 frames, they scored 11 points and went up 12 to 4 by the 5th frame. But Adolph Jr. smacked us back to Earth when he scored 8 points in the 6th frame against Lexie. But the BarFlies held on and took this game 15-13. Woohoo!!
Game 3 - Match Record 1-1
Third up for the home team (yes us!) we played Steve and Margaret against Fred and Peggy. No handicap points for this game! Peggy and Fred got out to an early lead but Margaret stepped it up and evened the playing field. After 7 frames we were down 3-8 and in the 8th frame, both Steve and Margaret turned up the heat. They went on a scoring binge totaling 13 points to the Flyers 3 to take the game 16-11.
Game 4 - Match Record 2-1
Dave and I played the fourth game against Carl and Alma. After giving up one handicap point, neither Dave or I could get going. Dave scored in the fifth frame to make it 1 to 8. All right! No skunk for us! I didn't score until the 8th frame to make it 4 to 10 but that would be the last of the BarFly points. We lost this one 4-17. Yuck. Time to rally!
Game 5 - Match Record 2-2
And the BarFlies select (drum roll please) Lexie and Margaret! Their opponents were Dee and Adolph Jr. and after the Flyers got one handicap point Margaret and Lexie each scored a point in their first frames. But Dee and Adolph J. weren't going to go down without a fight and scored 6 points over the next 3 frames. This game went all the way to the 19th frame (the score sheets only have 20 frames). After the wax settled, the BarFlies had lost another one 8-15. Ah crap. Now what?
Game 6 - Match Record 2-3
Now what do we do? The Flyers put up Alma and Joanne and we put up myself and Steve. We had to start off in the hole at 0-4 but we wasted no time getting on the board. Steve and I quickly took the lead and by the 8th frame we had won 17-6. Game 7 here we come!
Game 7 - Match Record 3-3
Again... now what? Lexie and Margaret get the call for the final game and go up against Peggy and Adolph Jr. No handicap points for this game. Peggy starts it off, scoring a point and Margaret follows it up with 2 points. Another 2 points for Peggy. This game could take all night! The scoring goes back and forth and forth and back. So who won it all? The BarFlies did! Margaret and Lexie won the final game 17-8! Phew!!
What a tough match! But we pulled it out! So now we've got a new winning streak on our hands. Two wins in a row! Go BarFlies! Let's keep it up!!
Next Opponent - Cozy Corner I
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