But first, our last game of the season. We played Woodie's at our bar and beat them (probably in 7 games but I don't really remember. I've slept since then.) By us beating them, we knocked them out of a 2nd place tie with the Stafford Ye "Olde" Puckers.
We ended up tied for 4th place with Cozy Corner I and they way we started the season off, I think that's pretty damn good!
Now on to the new season! We packed up and headed to a new place... Carolyn's Place to be exact. Are we still the BarFlies? Nope. New bar, new team, new name. So how do you choose a new name? Do you remember our Rally Rooster? Well, around Thanksgiving, our fearless leader Lex started calling it a Tur-duck-en. So she suggested calling the team Carolyn's Turduckens. Margaret (or Mom as most of you have heard me and Lex call her) suggested calling the team the TurPUCKens (see what she did there?). Well, it stuck. We are Carolyn's Turpuckens and we even have a mascot.
Well, we started the new season last Wednesday against the Cozy Corner ClusterPucks. Not to brag, but we beat them 4 games to 0 in probably our quickest win ever. It's nice to start the season with a win.
This week the Turpuckens take on the Stafford Sandblasters to try and get a winning streak started. It should be a good game. We always have a good time against the Sandblasters (we have a good time with whoever we play!).
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